Following my post on the shock resignation of James Purnell last night, I've woken up to the news this morning of the beginning of the cabnet reshuffle. Firstly, Alan Johnson is the new Home Secretary, what a brillaint move by Gordon Brown. Alan Johnson has this week spoken of his loyalty to the PM and I could'nt think of a better person to pick up the pieces after Jacqui Smith's poor reign in charge. He is just the level-headed figure Labour needs alongside the PM on home affairs. This also quashes any rumours of Alan Johnson leaving the cabinet and trying for the leadership. The same goes for David Miliband who has again reiliterated his support for Gordon and it is very unlikely that he will leave his post as Foreign Secretary. The big news is possibly that Alastair Darling is staying at the Treasury. This decision I am unsure of, it is bad because of the revelations of Darling's exepnses, but this could be seen as a positive move as the Treasury needs stability. As I write, John Hutton, the Defence Seretary has resigned. A week of Labour resignations is still going on even dring the reshuffle.John Hutton is a so called 'blairite' and so it was inevitable that he would go. Sources say John Denham is looking at a new, bigger role which would be a another good move for a very good and hard-working minister. On an exciting day in Parliament, I think this may recoop some of Brown's authority. But will it win an election?
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