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Tuesday, 7 July 2009

From DFID to UKAid...

The Department for International Developement has had a bit of a movearound and is now known as UKAid from The Department for International Development. Personally, despite how much this rebranding may have cost, I like it. It gives the UK a bit more of a contemporary while patriotic look to the rest of the world. Not that the millions dying in 3rd World countries actually care where, who or what it has come from let alone the pretty new logo plastered on the side of all aid. Nevertheless, UK Aid is a bit less of a mouthful than The Department for International Development. There are many other real reasons why this may of been changed, maybe Douglas Alexander, the Secretaty of State for the department, can't spell it as it is so he has decided to shorten it or the government like this new 'corporate look'. The possibilities are endless; maybe the government will soon be known as and the Ministry of Defence, UKBomb? Ok, ok, on reflection perhaps I don't like it very much. But judging on previous rebrandings (Department of Trade and Industry to the Department for Productivity, Energy and Industry in 2005, then back again) it should be back as the Department for International Development by Monday...

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