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Saturday, 21 November 2009

It's time to act

Well, the last time I was sat at the computer typing out another blog post, there was heavy rain battering the street outside, one week on, it's still here! Joy! I shouldnt complain, most of Cumbria is under some kind of puddle. Of course, Cockermouth has seen the worst of it. It again raises the point of flood defences and also with the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change in 16 days aswell, I don't believe there will be any better time than now to act.

Sign Ed Miliband's pledge for a deal at Copenhagen here.

I really hope a deal can be done to replace the Kyoto Agreemnet, but without full support from the USA and China, I'm not so sure. However, I do admire the work Ed Miliband has been doing in the lead up to the summit. A few weeks ago, Senior Tory backbencher, Douglas Carswell MP declared that those who believe that climate change is happening are part of a "lunatic consensus". It is because of those kind of politicians, that British politics is in the state it is in. Carswell is still living in the dark ages of Conservative policies from the Eighties and with a majority of just 920 votes, it wouldnt hurt me to see him leave Parliament next year. Especially, when he has never actually voted on ANY laws to stop climate change.

Let's wait and see what happens with regards to both Climate Change and Douglas Carswell, hopefully the outcomes will both be positive.

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